Domain Name Registration
What is a Domain Name?
The Domain Name is a unique name that is used to identify your website. The Domain Name should be easy to remember, related to the content of your website, and be as short as possible.
Each Domain name has an IP Address. This is a numeric representation of the name of your domain. The format of the IP address is similar to the following: “”. Think of a Domain Name as your street address to your home.
And an IP address is the actual lot number that is held in the county records to identify the plot of land your house is sitting on.
If you enter your IP address in your web browsers address bar instead of using the Domain Name, you will still get to your website. It’s much easier to remember a logical “Name” than is to remember a string of numbers. That’s why it is important when creating a Domain Name, to make sure it is something memorable, something catchy and fun. You want people to be able to make it a household name, or that it becomes a part of their everyday vocabulary.
Be creative and unique when coming up with your website’s name.
When purchasing a new domain name make sure to add Private Registration. Follow the link on Private Registration to understand what your leaving exposed with out this protection.
You can search for your own domains at the Silver Knight Web Store.
Begin Your Domain Search Now
Search the WHOIS Database
Want to know exactly what is shown about your Domain Name? The WHOIS database is a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world. To find out who owns a particular domain name, all you have to do is type it into the box above.
Click the button below to know exactly what information is publicly displayed with your Domain Name.
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