Mary Olea Lesher – Author/Singer

Return to the Soul of Your Child: ”Soul of A Child”
Mary’s Website:
Mary is not only a new Author, but she is also a Singer/Songwriter/Musician.
Visit Mary’s website to sample some of her beautiful music. All of her 8 original Albums are available for download.
“Can you leave the past behind? Travel the road!” What has made you who you are? Every life experience, every personal habit you have acquired over time. As years fly by, acquired patterns, habits seem to have a life of their own. They become deeply imbedded. Look at your personal matrix of habits and patterns. Observe it without judgment. You are who you are because..? Numerous reasons surround the mystery of who you are. They are yours to discover!
“Return to the Soul of Your Child” is just one approach to becoming aware of yourself. There are many ways. Finding one that is comfortable for you is part of life’s adventure.